HUB915 尖沙咀 位於尖東商業區,交通方便。商業配套、傢俬設備齊全。每日專人辦公室清潔,提供郵寄地址及郵箱,茶水休息間,設有 6 至 8 人用會議室。 如有查詢, 請Tel: 2762 4722 or 6114 6897 Miss Sharon Chan
H物業地產 / 辦公室出租HUB915 Tsim Sha Tsui

本鋼琴老師以最高榮譽於澳洲南昆士蘭州大學音樂系畢業。曾獲邀於當地大小音樂會演奏。師承澳洲音樂考試之主考官Wendy Lorenz, 精通音樂理論,鋼琴伴奏及獨奏 鋼琴老師 | 演奏

~沙田區商場旺舖精品水晶店經營中,尋找有緣人合作夥伴經營及擴展業務~ ~免加盟費低成本創業~ ~時間彈性可兼職做老闆~ ~對天然水晶有興趣~ ~需熟悉IG/Facebook/網店營運~

執教經驗超過40年,90%以上合格率,流利中英文教授。Over 40 years Driving Instruction experience, more than 90% successful ratio, fluent in English & Cantonese.
I教學進修 / 學車Isaac Tang

coworking space 共用工作空間 商務中心 交流平台 serviced business centre, Hong Kong, Jordan MTR 全包 24小時閉路監察
物業地產 / 共用工作空間IDEIA Coworking Space and Serviced Office

Our M and E stands for Media and Event. We are a group of passionate artists offering a full pack services, from planning, design, set up and production.
M設計 / 節目及活動M.E. PRO. COMPANY

Prior to creating Urban Cube, I worked as a business consultant traveling all over the globe; living in short term apartments and hotels.
U物業地產 / 服務式住宅Urban Cube Hong Kong Serviced Studios

Inspire CyberNET was founded in the Hong Kong in 2001 by a team of energetic individuals devoted to the challenges of conducting business on the Internet.

#新娘化妝 #化妝師 #新娘化妝師 #化妝 #試妝 #新娘造型#新娘試妝 #姐妹化妝 #媽咪化妝 #奶奶化妝 #結婚 #婚禮#Wedding #bride #bridesmaids #姐妹化妝服務 #hairstyle #hairdo #新娘髮型 #新娘頭飾 #新娘 # prewedding #香港化妝師 #mua #makeupartist
結婚 / 化妝及髮型Fion CFM Make Up Beauty

Candy Wold Hong Kong 是主攻網購環球糖果、回禮小禮物及Candy Corner佈置。適合各種場合、公司宴會、婚禮、 百日宴、生日會、謝師宴等.. 我們提供多種套餐或因應客人需要設計獨一無二的Candy Corner
結婚 / 禮品及洋酒Candy World Hong Kong

The largest co-living space in Hong Kong
m家居 / 家居優惠miniopshongkong

One of the largest investor-owned power businesses in Asia, CLP Power Hong Kong Limited is a wholly-owned subsidiary of CLP Holdings Limited

Native French full-time tutor in Hong Kong, mid 30s, extensive experience in one-on-one and private class, French exams. 500-700HK$ per hour

Native French full-time tutor in Hong Kong, mid 30s, extensive experience in one-on-one and private class, French exams. 500-700HK$ per hour

*科大BSc & MPhil in Mathematics *科大Dean's List Award得獎者 *學生曾在A-Level Maths & Further Maths均奪A*,並獲英國LSE及港大精算系offer *曾在著名國際學術期刊 Journal of Symbolic Computation 發表學術文章:
t教學進修 / 補習tycheungad

WHO is AndyKo...? The director of AK Entertainment Consultant Ltd. He is the Hong Kong-based famous Award winning Magic Artist, Emecc, Award winning stage actor and Event Director. He performs in fluent English, Cantonese and general Japanese.
P結婚 / 婚禮演奏Professional Entertainer - Andy Ko
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